What does the Parish Council do?
Ullesthorpe Parish Council is a local authority that makes decisions on behalf of the people in the parish. It is the level of government closest to the community, with the district authority, Harborough District Council, above it in the hierarchy. As it is the authority closest to the people, a parish council is invariably the first place people will go with concerns or ideas. For this reason the parish council is a vital part of any community.
The work of Ullesthorpe Parish Council falls into three main categories:
1. representing the local community
2. delivering services to meet local needs
3. striving to improve the quality of life in the parish
Ullesthorpe Parish Council is made up of six councillors who meet regularly to make decisions on the work and direction of the council. As an elected body, the parish council is a corporate body and, through its councillors, is responsible to the people it represents.
In general, parish councils have a wide range of powers and duties. A duty is an activity that must be carried out (mandatory) e.g. local councils must appoint a chairman and a clerk. Statutory powers, granted by Parliament, give local councils the choice or opportunity to take action and are therefore discretionary.
Ullesthorpe Parish Council is funded by a small part of the Council Tax known as the parish precept. The parish council forecasts how much money it is going to need the following year (April to March). This amount is then divided by the number of properties in the parish that fall into Band D Council Tax bands. This figure is adjusted to take account of such things as exempt properties and planned new houses to get the precept each Council Tax payer in the parish will contribute.